ABCO Rents Sponsors Festival Again!

ABCO Rents Sponsors Festival Again!

Our gratitude to the ongoing sponsorship of ABCO Rents who give so generously and graciously assist us with so many rental needs! Pictured with their Platinum level donation are: Daisy Bustos, Maria Lira, Sonia Valero & Oscar Urbina. Please remember ABCO Rents for...
Our Latest Festival Sponsor!

Our Latest Festival Sponsor!

“Laugh, Lunch, and Learn … the motto of Broken Arrow’s Iris Garden Club!  Also, let’s add Love to that mix … love of our community, and looking for ways we can help enrich in any small way. If ‘gardening ‘ is the activity of tending and cultivating a...
Jake’s Cafe Helps Sponsor Festival!

Jake’s Cafe Helps Sponsor Festival!

Our latest sponsor for the conjointly held Rose Festival and Chalk-It-Up! An Art Festival which will be held in downtown Broken Arrow May 31st through June 2, 2019 is a wonderful local eatery – Jake’s Café. Be sure to thank them when you stop in for a...