Special Hotel Rates for Roses, Chalk & Kites, Oh My! Festival
Here is a list of local hotels providing special festival rates. Be sure to book your reservation soon as they are going fast! You will be taken to the Rose Festival and Chalk-It-Up Art Festivals’ special weekend rates by clicking on the hotel names below. When...
Thank you ABCO Party Rentals for being a Silver Sponsor!
ABCO Party Rentals is a 2022 Silver Sponsor!!! A special shout out to ABCO Party Rentals for sponsoring The Rose Festival for 2022 again this year. Thank you for taking the time and energy to invest in our vision and our event; your sponsorship is integral to our...
Thank You to AVB Bank for Being a 2022 Gold Sponsor
AVB Bank Has Sponsored the Rose Festival Since 2015!!!! We want to express our gratitude to AVB Bank for being such a loyal sponsor of The Rose Festival since 2015. Thank you for taking the time and energy to invest in our vision and our event; your sponsorship is...
2022 Rose Festival & Chalk It Up Art Contest
Here’s winner of People’s Choice
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